
Important firmware update for Jetforce BT


Firmware update: Version 2.2

This update reduces possible interference that could be caused by the electronics of the Jetforce BT and could negatively affect the beacon search.

Potential interference at close range from the Jetforce BT is equivalent to any other electronic system, phone, camera, GPS, smartwatches, etc…. Please observe the minimum distances recommended in the user manual for the beacon to electronic objects.

To perform the firmware update, please install the latest version of the PIEPS app from the App Store or Google Play Store on your smartphone. Connect your Jetforce BT to the PIEPS app to start the firmware update.

PIEPS DSP – voluntary product improvement measure

Voluntary product improvement measure to improve the product safety of its avalanche beacons of the DSP series. 

Follow the link below to get a new support system for your DSP device: