HomeLegal notice

Information pursuant to § 5 (1) E-Commerce Act (ECG) Disclosure pursuant to §§ 24, 25 Media Act (MedienG) and § 14 Austrian Commercial Code (UGB)

Media owner, publisher and manufacturer:

PIEPS GmbH Parkring 4 8403 Lebring

Phone: +43 3182 52556 – 0
Fax: +43 3182 52556 – 19
Email: office@pieps.com
Website: http://pieps.com
Company Registration-No: 278067 y
Company Register Court: Graz regional court
DVR number: 0037257
Sales tax identification number: ATU62571826
Chamber Affiliation: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Applicable trade and professional regulations: Trade regulations
Management: Markus Griesser, Neil Fiske
Shareholding structure: 100% subsidiary of Black Diamond Austria GmbH Parkring 4 8403 Lebring FN384476 g
Object of the company: Development, production and distribution of avalanche transceivers and products, in particular for mountain sports and alpine safety, as well as all related services in the form of an industrial enterprise; advertising agency; commercial business
Editorial policy of the website: Information about products and services of the company, as well as providing an online service portal of the same.
Conception and implementation of the website by: Sunlime Web Innovations GmbH Leopold-Figl-Straße 1, 8430 Leibnitz Email: support@sunlime.at Website: www.sunlime.at